3D student games in Investment Management at IFNTUOG (Ukraine)
On May 10, 2012 students
majoring in Management at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil
and Gas (Ukraine)
under the supervision of Prof. Yevgen Revtyuk participated in the 3D game
devoted to the “Investment Management”. The scenario for this game was
developed by Lilia Kolesnyk from IFNTUOG. The technical
support of this game was provided by the students from Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki (Greece)
under the supervision of prof. Thrasyvoulos Tsiatsos. The game was conducted in
OpenSim environment. All Ukrainian students were divided into two teams – start-uppers
and investors. The start-uppers presented their projects to the board of
investors and the latter had to decide for the fulfillment of which project
they will give money. As the result, three projects out of six received money
for the further development and fulfillment.