Perspective trends of cooperation between Ilmenau University of Technology and NTU “Kharkiv Polyte
On 3-4 May, 2012, a working meeting was
held at Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany, in the frames of development
of binomials among teachers from the project consortium partner universities.
Perspective directions of cooperation within joint binomials between TU Ilmenau (Germany) and NTU “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” (Ukraine) were on the agenda.
getting ready for the meeting, developments of both universities were analyzed
previously, and three topics were chosen for the discussion: 1. Method of improving QoS (quality of service)
in the self-organizing cognitive radio networks; 2. Methods of spectrum
redistribution in overlapping areas; 3. Making channels more available basing on prediction of their state.
During the meeting the presentations were made in this field and a
mechanism of development of binomials was worked out.
In addition, perspectives of the cooperation between the universities as
well as possible sources of its financing after the project ends were